Craigslist Mailer 42
over the years, emails posing as craigslist listings have become almost ubiquitous in the spammy world, to the point where they are no longer a rarity. but this is not enough to list out these emails as merely trickery. in order to do so, you have to consider the following points:
Craigslist Mailer 42
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craigslist does not give out your email address to potential buyers so the people pretending to be from craigslist are misleading the person receiving the email and, subsequently, identity theft.
people should be cautious when entering sensitive information into the site as this could be used for scamming purposes.
craigslist makes the listing process very easy for its users by providing a domain name as well as an ip address. this means that if someone wanted to impersonate a craigslist listing, they can easily do so by using these.
these phishing emails pose an extremely high risk of security breaches to the users themselves as well as their companies. phishing emails are sent from a spoofed ip, hence making it quite easy for the hackers to remain anonymous.
craigslist is one of the most popular sources of free classifieds. while the craigslist page has a very handy feature to help you filter emails from scam artists, it is still possible to get fooled by email scams. this mailer further proves that craigslist isnt always safe, even when you verify account details and the contacts on your account.
the site itself is a huge part of why people use it. while craigslist claims that all account owners are required to verify their email address, and that they will be held to account should they fail to do so, emails continue to be issued with no verification. if you are using a craigslist email, and you have verified your account, you may want to validate it just in case.